
    Bulk cargo consolidation

    1. Service Introduction

    CITITRANS has Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, Yiwu etc. large-scale modern warehouses, Sharjah in the UAE, and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia , providing you with bulk cargo consolidation service, stable sailing schedule to Dubai every week, shorter shipping schedule Less cost, from domestic port logistics to the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman...

    You only need to deliver the goods to our designated warehouses in China, and the whole process of logistics services to the whole of the UAE.

    2, business process

     Bulk cargo consolidation

    3, service advantages

    Flexible consolidation: According to customer needs, flexible consolidation, saving freight and cost for customers

    Packing service: Provide customers with hydraulic and manual packaging to save shipping costs

    Large overseas warehouse: the total area of overseas storage is more than 20,000 square meters.

    Destination branch: a number of overseas branches, providing double customs clearance package customs service

    Direct flights: large cargo, the same goods with the destination cabinet, no cabinet in the middle, safe and efficient

    Perfect customer service: One-to-one service for full-time salesman, 24-hour cargo tracking real-time query

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