About us

CITITRANS is a diversified international logistics company whose headquarters in Shenzhen.There are branches in more than a dozen domestic and foreign cities and ports such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Kenya, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yiwu, Tianjin, Xiamen,Qingdao etc..

After more than ten years of accumulation in the Middle East,CITITRANS has taken the lead in traditional logistics. Based on the industry resources and service advantages accumulated by CITITRANS in the traditional logistics era, combined with the background of consumption upgrade in the mobile Internet era, the company is fully committed to developing e-commerce logistics and is committed to building cross-border integration of emerging markets from China to the Middle East, Africa and South America. Logistics (including traditional logistics at the TO B  and e-commerce logistics at the TO C ).CITITRANS has entered into strategic cooperation with a number of large-scale cross-border e-commerce companies, and has established overseas e-commerce warehouses in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Adhering to the tenet of “Integrity First, also In the End”, the company shoulders the mission of “making logistics simple” and strives to create “emerging market cross-border logistics brand”, providing professional logistics to customers with the spirit of craftsman and efficient service. 

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